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Regular dental check-ups can prevent the need for major dental work in the future and is far more cost effective than allowing problems to go on undetected.
It is almost never too early to get into the healthy habit of six-monthly dental visits. Children as young as three years of age are advised to visit the dentist for a regular check-up and clean so that they become familiarised with their local Dental Clinic to help maximise their chances of achieving lifelong dental health.
Good oral hygiene is considered the best way to prevent cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, periodontitis, and other dental disorders. It also helps to prevent bad breath. Everyone benefits from good oral hygiene and can feel the difference with gums that are pink and firm, and teeth that have fewer cavities.
Visiting a dentist for regular check up and clean should be an essential part of your dental routine because it is a key way to prevent gum disease.